We hugely value the support of all our donors, so your personal data and privacy is extremely important to us. We comply with General Data Protection Regulations and our policy can be supplied on request. Much of our work is reliant on voluntary donations which means we do have to ask for money. When we do, we always try to ask responsibly and respectfully.
We Promise
to never:
sell your data to another organisation
share your information with another charity, without your specific and explicit consent
we may use carefully selected companies to provide services on our behalf, including delivering postal mail, sending emails, analysing data and processing credit card payments. We will only provide those companies with the information they need to deliver the relevant service, and we make sure that your data is treated with the same level of care as if we were handling it directly. (i.e. mail chimp etc.)
we will always:
do our best to keep your personal details safe
listen to you, and ensure that we communicate with you in the way that you want
treat you fairly and reasonably
act with transparency
if you have questions, we will answer them in an open and honest way
be accountable
if you don't like what we're doing we want to hear from you
Fundraising Complaints
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, we follow the Code of Fundraising Practice guidelines, on best practice and are compliant with current data protection legislation. However if you have a complaint about any of our fundraising activity, please let us know and we will try to address it as best as we can.