Intermediate RYA Sailing Courses
Intermediate courses are for sailors who have some experience, but want to spend time improving their skills with the support of an instructor.
Most importantly, by sailing with us you will be supporting and enabling our work with disadvantaged and at-risk young people.
Day Skipper Practical
Pre Course Experience:
- 5 days at sea
- 100 miles sailed
- 4 night hours
Duration: 5 days
Minimum age: 16
Day Skipper is the most popular sailing course in the world, and for good reason! It is aimed at sailors with experience as crew, but who want to step up and learn to skipper a boat on their own.
Each student will skipper short voyages with the support of the instructor, experiencing being in charge and making good decisions whilst keeping everyone safe.
Course content: Preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualling, emergency situations, yacht handling under power, yacht handling under sail, passage making, night cruising.
Prospective students must have theoretical knowledge to the level of Day Skipper Shorebased, and we strongly recommend you complete the Shorebased course before joining us for the Practical. We offer online shorebased training in conjunction with Skippers Online, find out more here.
Our Day Skipper courses will often also have Competent Crew students onboard, as we have found that the shared content in the two courses means that students benefit from learning together.

Coastal Skipper Practical
Pre Course Experience:
- 15 days at sea
- 2 days as skipper
- 300 miles sailed
- 8 night hours
Duration: 5 days
Minimum age: 17
The Coastal Skipper course teaches more advanced skippering techniques for sailors who have a good knowledge of sailing and navigation, but who don't yet have the experience to undertake longer coastal passages by day and night.
Like the Day Skipper course, this course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations, and each student will skipper more challenging passages.
Coastal Skippers should be able to undertake more difficult passages and handle the yacht in more demanding conditions by day and night. By the end of the course you should have the knowledge, if not the experience, to consider a Yachtmaster course.
Course content: Passage planning, Preparation for sea, Pilotage, Passage making and ability as skipper, Yacht handling under power, Yacht handling under sail, Adverse weather conditions, Emergency situations.
Our Coastal Skipper courses are never combined with other courses as we feel it is important to ensure students are able to maximise their time onboard.
Please contact the office for availibility.